Mumbai: India’s premier hindi general entertainment channel, Colors from Viacom 18 group has engaged huge numbers of hoardings across Mumbai to promote its flagship reality show Bigg Boss season 10. Executed by Global Advertisers, the OOH promotion of Bigg Boss with Bollywood heartthrob Salman Khan captured the attention of audience all over India. The show aired on 16th October, 2016 with host Salman khan, Deepika Padukone and Raj Nayak (Colors CEO).
“We have executed outdoor campaigns for Colors i n the past and really like the kind of shows they are making. We truly appreciate their marketing strategy of their shows. Indian television industry is constantly growing and presenting the fusion of content for our varied audience. It’s been a great experience while working for Colors. We are sure many people will stick to the screen for Bigg Boss, it’s a most famous show of the channel, hosted by none other Salman Khan. We are sure that the channel will get good TRPs of the show.,” said Sanjeev Gupta , MD, Global Advertisers.
The highlight of the show is that two different worlds collide to blur the lines between celebrity contestants and the common man.
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